Jakarta International Customer Service Institute (JICSI)

Development Leadership Skill

3 Days Developing Leadership Skills for Manager


By Request



Pelatihan ini ditujukan untuk para pemimpin perusahaan yang ingin meningkatkan 9 kemampuan kepemimpinan.

Siapa Target Peserta Pelatihan Ini ?


Studies by Hubspot research found that 93% of customers are more likely to become repeat buyers if they’ve had a great customer service experience

Program Learning Journey

10 Video Pembelajaran

10 Tugas / Kegiatan

2 Studi Kasus

3 Role Play

Pada pelatihan ini, akan dibahas :
a. What Is a Manager?
b. What is a Leader?
c. What Traits do Leaders Exhibit?
d. Manager checklist

Pelatihan ini akan membahas :
a. See the invisible
b. Welcome Change
c. Appreciate Vulnerability
d. Attack Complacency
e. Energize Others
f. Follow Through
g. Bechmark
h. Set Ethical Standards
i. Assess Yourself
j. Vision, Courage, Realism, Energy, and Ethics.
k. Manager’s Checklist

Pelatihan ini akan membahas :
a. Convergent skills
b. Types of thingking, Revisited
c. Managerial Checklist

Pelatihan ini akan membahas :
a. The Big Picture
b. Personalities
c. Keahlian untuk membuat perbedaan
d. Rewards
e. Conflict
f. Meeting
g. Menentukan key sukses suatu team
h. Managerial Checklist

Pelatihan ini akan membahas :
a. Managing Stress
b. Managing Time
c. Managing Emotions
d. Managing Energy
e. Managing People
f. How Much Are You Managing to Manage
g. Manager’s Checklist

Pelatihan ini akan membahas :
a. Speaking
b. Motivation
c. Ability to Think on your Feet
d. Persuasion
e. Writing
f. Manager’s Checklist

Pelatihan ini akan membahas :

a. The Leader’s Use of Power
b. Defining Power
c. M-Powers
d. Knowledge is Power
e. Power Politics
f. Power Struggles
g. Power and Your Potential as a Leader
h. Manager’s Checklist

Pelatihan ini akan membahas :

a. Fitting the Pieces Together
b. Forming Strategic Alliances
c. The Six C’s of Partnering
d. Listening
e. The Trust Factor
f. A Word to the Wise
g. Manager’s Checklist

Pelatihan ini akan membahas :a. Long-Range Plans
b. Medium-Range Plans
c. Short-Term Plans
d. Shattering The Myths
e. Planning Tools
f. Things to Remember
g. Managerial’s Checklist

Pelatihan ini akan membahas :

a. The Leader Defined
b. The Leader as Visionary
c. The Leader as Problem-Solver
d. The Leader as Team-Builder
e. The Leader as Manager
f. The Leader as Communicator
g. The Leader as Power Distributor
h. The Leader as Liaison
i. The Leader as Planner
j. Your Action Plan
k. The Leader as Leader
l. Manager’s Checklist


Rudyanto HP Manullang, Ph.D
CEO & Founder JICSI
What our Happy Student Say :
"Aku freshgraduate di bidang teknik, namun ingin berkarir di perbankan dan dunia service. Waktu aku melamar kerja, aku dipertahankan sama HR loh karena punya pengetahuan dan kemampuan customer service profesional, HRnya bilang, jarang sekali calon pekerja yang punya skill ini, padahal skill ini penting banget di perusahaan. Akhirnya aku diterima bekerja"
Ambar Ningrum
Customer Service salah satu Bank Swasta Nasional

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